Tuesday, November 12, 2013


My husband recently received a kidney transplant after being on the waiting list for 3 years. It changed our lives in an instant. All the preparing we had done prior to transplant didn't seem to matter anymore, because nothing can prepare you for what you are going to feel.

Before his transplant, I spent many hours looking for information on what was going to happen after transplant. To be honest all I found was the textbook answers that are given to you from the transplant centers. I didn't want textbook though, I wanted real world experience from people who had gone through it. I wanted to be able to cry with happy tears and have people around me who understood what I was going through and what a relief it was. I wanted people who had been in my shoes and understood all the emotions I was going through. I wanted honesty on what to really expect. Everything I found seemed scripted.

I want to use this to walk people through the emotions, the ups and downs, the process in real time about what you go through, from the moment you get that phone call till you are home recovering. From the many follow up appointments to the other surgeries needed, and the home health aids that are at your house constantly. I want people to understand the whole experience from someone who is going through it. If you have questions, ask them. I would be happy to answer anything you have questions on! I look forward to walking you through our process, with all of its ups and downs...


                                                (Jennifer, Eli (Age 3), and Craig)